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1983 End of Season


End of Season
Labor Day Weekend

  End of Season — August 27 - September 2, 1983    

M3U playlist for this entire section

August 27, 1983
Saturday Evening
Living water — Michael Corrigan    (Play all)
1. Opening worship, prayer, comments, and testimonies   (45:42)
    2. Message: Living water (John 4); Closing   (19:47)
August 28, 1983
Sunday Morning
Seeking the Lord — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Opening worship and testimonies   (50:49)
    2. Message: Seeking the Lord (Proverbs 28:5)   (38:58)
    3. Closing   (19:38)
August 28, 1983
Sunday Evening
Communion — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Opening worship   (14:46)
    2. Message 1: Communion: the Lord’s body   (19:54)
    3. Communion service   (36:54)
    4. Testimonies and worship   (32:33)
    5. Message 2: Seeking the Lord (Ezra 8)   (15:39)
August 29, 1983
Monday Morning
Lessons from the life of Caleb — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Opening worship and testimonies   (48:19)
    2. Message: Lessons from the life of Caleb (Joshua 15)   (29:21)
August 29, 1983
Monday Evening
Divine healing — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Opening worship, prayer, and testimonies   (1:24:57)
    2. Message: Examples of divine healing   (35:04)
August 30, 1983
Tuesday Evening
Fears — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Opening worship, prayer, and testimonies   (1:02:18)
    2. Message: Fears (Psalm 34)   (15:44)
    3. Special music; Comments and closing   (29:55)
August 31, 1983
Wednesday Morning
The blood of Jesus — Kenneth Friedmann    (Play all)
1. Opening worship, prayer, and testimonies   (57:01)
    2. Message: We cannot earn the blessing   (22:09)
August 31, 1983
Wednesday Evening
Hearsay — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Organ prelude; Opening worship, quiet waiting, and special music   (23:55)
    2. Testimonies, prayer, and worship   (17:34)
    3. Message 1: Hearsay (Joshua 22)   (35:02)
    4. Testimony and worship   (13:23)
    5. Message 2: The laying on of hands; Closing   (26:37)
September 1, 1983
Thursday Morning
Praise — Michael Corrigan    (Play all)
1. Organ prelude; Opening worship and quiet waiting   (16:53)
    2. Worship, testimonies on praise; Prayer   (44:42)
    3. Message: Praise and victory (Joshua 23)   (22:41)
September 1, 1983
Thursday Evening
Testimonies — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Testimonies, worship, comments, prayer, and special music   (50:49)
    2. Numerous testimonies   (43:15)
    3. Message: The God of hope (Romans 15:13); Closing   (23:29)
September 2, 1983
Friday Morning
Commitment — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Organ prelude; Opening worship, testimonies, and comments   (1:04:56)
    2. Message: Commitment (Joshua 24)   (26:21)
  Labor Day Weekend — September 2 - 5, 1983    

M3U playlist for this entire section

September 2, 1983
Friday Evening
My heart is fixed — Edwin H. Waldvogel    (Play all)
1. Opening worship and testimonies   (18:55)
    2. Comments from Gordon Gardiner; Worship, prayer, and testimonies   (23:32)
    3. Special music: Healing in the Word by Mrs. Clark   (12:46)
    4. Message: My heart is fixed (Psalm 108)   (31:47)
    5. Closing   (29:42)
September 3, 1983
Saturday Morning
Faith — Gordon Gardiner and Edwin H. Waldvogel    (Play all)
1. Opening worship, testimonies, comments, and quiet waiting   (1:09:55)
    2. Message 1: The just shall live by faith (Hebrews 10:38-11:16) — Gordon Gardiner   (27:01)
    3. Message 2: The sacrifice of Abel (Hebrews 11:4) — Edwin H. Waldvogel   (22:39)
September 3, 1983
Saturday Afternoon
Prayer Meeting — Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Opening worship, prayer, and testimonies   (25:42)
    2. Prayer requests, prayer, worship, and quiet waiting   (1:34:26)
September 3, 1983
Saturday Evening
The power and love of God — Jack Chow and Michael Corrigan    (Play all)
1. Piano and violin prelude   (11:09)
    2. Opening worship, comments, quiet waiting, and testimonies   (31:30)
    3. Message 1: No word from God is without power — Jack Chow   (21:35)
    4. Testimony, special music, and comments   (20:41)
    5. Message 2: Responding to the love of Jesus — Michael Corrigan   (24:49)
    6. Closing and aftermeeting   (55:10)
September 4, 1983
Sunday Morning
Humility and Pleasing God — Gordon Gardiner and Edwin H. Waldvogel    (Play all)
1. Prelude   (7:55)
    2. Opening worship   (32:53)
    3. Message 1: Humility (Zephaniah 2:3) — Gordon Gardiner   (40:19)
    4. Message 2: Pleasing God (Hebrews 11:5,6) — Edwin H. Waldvogel   (41:37)
    5. Special music and closing   (24:12)
September 4, 1983
Sunday Afternoon
Prayer Meeting — Edwin H. Waldvogel and Gordon Gardiner    (Play all)
1. Opening worship   (9:55)
    2. Message 1: Making good use of a retreat — Edwin H. Waldvogel   (25:01)
    3. Message 2: The faith of the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15) — Gordon Gardiner   (19:36)
    4. Prayer requests   (35:30)
    5. General prayer   (29:00)
September 4, 1983
Sunday Evening
Noah — Edwin H. Waldvogel    (Play all)
1. Prelude excerpt; Opening worship; special music   (27:15)
    2. Comments about and from Diana Lieber; Prayer   (51:20)
    3. Message: Noah (Hebrews 11:7)   (38:53)
    4. Closing   (58:19)
September 5, 1983
Monday Morning
Closing meeting — Edwin H. Waldvogel    (Play all)
1. Opening worship and prayer   (28:05)
    2. Comments from Jack Chow; Testimonies and comments   (52:54)
    3. Message 1: Seeking and finding Jesus   (11:28)
    4. Message 2: Abraham (Hebrews 11:8-16)   (27:17)
    5. Closing   (40:40)
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